1.Foetal  ejection reflex in human female is induced by                                                                      a..Differentiation of mammary glands          b. Pressure exerted by amniotic fluid                                                c. Release of oxytocin from pituitary             d. Fully developed foetus and placenta
2.Which one of the following statement correct?                                                                                                                                                  a. Spermatogenesis is the formation of sperm cells.   b. Spermatogenesis occurs in the Seminiferous tubules .c. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSh) indirectly stimulates spermatogenesis. d. All of these are correct
3. Choose the incorrect statement from the following:                                                                                         
   a.  In birds and mammals internal fertilisation takes place b. Colostrum contains antibodies and nutrients          c.  Polyspermy is prevented by the chemical changes in the egg surface d. In the human female implantation occurs almost seven days after fertilization
4.Identify the wrong statement from the following:
a. High levels of estrogen triggers the ovulatory  surge  .b.  Orgonial cells start to proliferate and give rise to functional ova in regular cycles from puberty onwards.    c. Sperms released from seminiferous tubules are poorly motile / non-motiled. d.Progesterone level is high during the post ovulatory phase of menstrual cycle.

5. Match the following and choose the correct options:
A. Trophoblast-            i. Embedding of blastocyst in the endometrium
B. Cleavage-                ii. Group of cells that would differentiate as embryo
C. Inner cell mass -     iii. Outer layer of blastocyst attached to the endometrium
D. Implantation-          iv. Mitotic division of zygote
a. A-ii, B-i, C-iii, D-iv            b. A-iii, B-iv, C-ii, D-i
c. A-iii, B-i, C-ii, D-iv            d. A-ii, B-iv, C-iii, D-i

6.Embryo sac is to ovule as _______ is to an anther.                                                                                           a. Stamen    b. Filament   c. Pollen grain      d. Androecium
7.The outermost and innermost wall layers of microsporangium in an anther are respectively:
a. Endothecium and tapetum   b. Epidermis and endodermis
c. Epidermis and middle layer     d. Epidermis and tapetum

8.During microsporogenesis, meiosis occurs in:
a. Endothecium b. Microspore mother cells c. Microspore tetradsd.d. Pollen grains.

9.Autogamy can occur in a chasmogamous flower if:
a. Pollen matures before maturity of ovule b. Ovules mature before maturity of pollen
c. Both pollen and ovules mature simultaneously    d. Both anther and stigma are of equal lengths.

10.The phenomenon observed in some plants wherein parts of the sexual apparatus is used for forming embryos without fertilisation is called:
a. Parthenocarpy b. Apomixis c. Vegetative propagation d. Sexual reproduction.

11.Which of the following situations correctly describe the similarity between an angiosperm egg and a human egg?
i. Eggs of both are formed only once in a lifetime
ii. Both the angiosperm egg and human egg are stationary
 iii. Both the angiosperm egg and human egg are motile transported iv. Syngamy in both results in the formation of zygote
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(a) ii and iv (b) iv only (c) iii and iv (d) i and iv

12.A few statements describing certain features of reproduction are given below:
i. Gametic fusion takes place   ii. Transfer of genetic material takes place
iii. Reduction division takes place  iv. Progeny have some resemblance with parents
Select the options that are true for both asexual and sexual  reproduction from the options given below:
(a) i and ii; (b ) ii and iii; (c) ii and iv; (d) i and iii.

13.A multicellular, filamentous alga exhibits a type of sexual life cycle in which the meiotic division occurs after the formation of zygote. The adult filament of this alga has
a. haploid vegetative cells and diploid gametangia
b. diploid vegetative cells and diploid gametangia
c. diploid vegetative cells and haploid gametangia
d. haploid vegetative cells and haploid gametangia

14.Choose the correct statement from amongst the following:
a. Dioecious (hermaphrodite) organisms are seen only in animals
b. Dioecious organisms are seen only in plants
c. Dioecious organisms are seen in both plants and animals
d. Dioecious organisms are seen only in vertebrates

15.Identify the incorrect statement.
a. In asexual reproduction, the offspring produced are morphologically and genetically identical to the parent
b. Zoospores are sexual reproductive structures
c. In asexual reproduction, a single parent produces offspring with or without the formation of gametes
d. Conidia are asexual structures in Penicillium

16. Geitonogamous flowering plants are genetically autogamous but functionally cross pollinated.  
        Justify. (2)

17. Draw the diagram of the microscopic structure of human sperm. Label the following parts in it and write their function. (3)

18. Write the difference between Oestrus cycle and Mentrual cycle. (3)

19. Write the difference between hypocotyls and epicotyls. (2)


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