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EXPERIMENT- 1 AIM: TO STUDY THE POLLEN GERMINATION ON SLIDE REQUIREMENTS : fresh seasonal flowers, cover slip, slide, microscope, sucrose, boric acid, magnesium sulphate, potassium nitrate etc. PROCEDURE: · A nutrient solution was prepared by dissolving 10 g boric acid, 30 mg magnesium sulphate, and 20 mg potassium nitrate in 100 ml of water. · A few drops of this solution were taken on a clean glass slide and a few pollen grains from the stamen of a mature flower on it. · The slide was observed in the microscope after 5 minutes and then it was observed regularly for about half an hour. OBSERVATION In nutrient medium, the pollen grain germinates. The tube cell enlarges and comes out of the pollen grain through one of the germ pores to form a pollen tube. The tube enlarges and com...
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