1. Water vapour evaporates from cells in the leaves of plants and exits the leaves by way of tiny pores in their leaves. What is this process called?
A  Mutation   B. Excretion   C. Respiration          D.                Transpiration
2.A stick of celery is left in a beaker containing a solution of blue food colouring. After two days, the celery is taken out and it is seen that parts of the celery have turned blue. What is the name given to the blue part of the plant?
A.     Stomata   B.  Phloem      C. Xylem  D. Leaf
3. Which one of the following statements about transpiration is FALSE?
A.  It helps the plant cool down.     B.    It draws food up from the stem.
C.  It brings water up the stem.      D.   It draws minerals up from the soil.
4. Select the incorrect statement from the following:
A.  Xylem transports food from the roots to the leaves.  B. Phloem is made of living cells. C. Phloem carries food from the leaves to the rest of the plant.D.  Xylem carries water and minerals upwards from the roots.
5. Which one of the following plants stores food in its roots?
A. Turnip   B.Celery     C.Cabbage      D. Tomato
6.The xylem and phloem in a plant make up a tissue called
A. muscle tissue      B. Vascular tissue     C. Scar tissue       D.  Connective tissue
7._____ provide(s) the major force for the movement of water and solutes from roots to leaves.
a. Translocation  b.  Bulk flow   c.  Transpiration d.   Root pressure  e.  Transfer cells
8.___ cells are the cells that regulate the opening and closing of stomata, thus playing a role in regulating transpiration.
a.Tracheid b.  Casparian strip   c. Sieve-tube member. d   Companion    e.  Guard
9. transport(s) sugars from leaves to, for example, taproots.
a.Blood vessels b.  Tracheids c.   Phloem  d.  Vessel elements e.   Xylem
10.Sugar moves from leaves into the _____ of _____ by _____.
a.sieve-tube elements ... phloem ... active transport       b.       sieve-tube elements ... xylem ... active transport
c.sieve-tube elements ... phloem ... diffusion                  d.      tracheids ... phloem ... active transport
e.tracheids ... phloem ... diffusion
11.The water pressure that pushes water and sugar from sugar source to sugar sink is referred to as _____.
a.Translocation b.  bulk flow c.  transpiration d.  root pressure  e.  solute pressure
12.Water moves into phloem by _____.
a.root pressure b.  transpiration  c.  osmosis d.    endocytosis   e   active transport
13. What type of environment would result in the greatest rate of transpiration?
a.Cloudy, humid conditions   b.Warm, humid conditions  c.Warm, light-breezy conditions  d.Cool, humid conditions
14.If the rate of transpiration is higher than rate of absorption then the plant will ___________.
15.In which season the rate of transpiration will be more Rainy/Summer._____________.
16.One potted plant is placed inside the room where the ceiling fan is moving in full speed .Other  potted plant is placed in the courtyard shade. Which plant will wilt first?
17.Two leaves are taken. On one leaf Vaseline is applied on both the sides . Other leaf no Vaseline is applied. Both leaves are hanged with threads. Which leaf will dry faster?
18.If the water is lost in the liquid form is it transpiration?
19.The water moves in the leaves due to transpiration because of _____________.
20.Plant loses water by transpiration still it is necessary for ________________.


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