Writing better answers during board examinations is essential for students to achieve good marks and demonstrate their understanding of the subject matter. There are several strategies that students can use to improve their writing skills and produce high-quality answers during board examinations. First, it is essential for students to carefully read and understand the question or prompt before starting to write their answers during the reading time. This will ensure that they address all aspects of the question and provide a comprehensive response. Additionally, students should brainstorm and outline their answers before beginning to write. This will help them organise their thoughts and ensure that their answer is well-structured and coherent. Using effective strategies for writing during board examinations is crucial for students to excel and demonstrate their knowledge. Some specific directions are mentioned that the students should consider while writing answers.

1. Students must know the word limit

: a) Two marks- 30-40- words / 2-3 lines     b) Three marks 50-60 words/4-6 lines     c) Five marks 90-100 words/10 lines

2. Is there a negative marking for exceeding the word limit?

No, marks are not deducted for exceeding the word limit. However, it is better to restrict the use of the specified word limit. This should be practised during revision, which will help complete the paper within the allotted time. Prepared answers are brief, and to the point, so they never exceed the word limit.

3. Time management during the examination is critical to your success. Divide the allotted time wisely, keeping 15 minutes for revision. This leaves you with 165 minutes to write a 70-mark question paper. On average, you can spend 2.35 minutes per mark. For a 2-mark question, you can use 4.7 minutes. Remember to allocate approximately 3 minutes for assertion reason type questions. This extra time is crucial for managing different questions, from knowledge-based to direct questions, and will help you feel more in control and prepared.

4. The answer may be best represented through to-the-point crisp answers that diagrams, data or graphs may support. This helps the examiner understand your answer easily and boosts your confidence in your understanding and application of the subject matter.

5. Where an explanation is required, give an example to clarify your point.

6. writing the answer using a flow chart is better if the process is asked.

7. The definition should be ready-made. If you have to prepare, give structural or functional aspects to define.

8. Students must review all the diagrams, pictures, or graphs.  While writing answers, you should note the observation, summary of essential points and conclusion.

9. Differences should be written in tabular form, and the point of difference should be mentioned.







10. Each answer is divided into steps, and marks are given by the weightage assigned for these steps. A copy of the Marking Scheme should be procured to get a clear idea. So, before you start writing, plan and understand the importance of each point, or you will write more, which is not required.

11. Students must know what is asked precisely. A vague answer without the value points leads nowhere. Some students think just writing something will fetch marks. 15. Plant and animal reproduction diagrams are essential, but you must master them.

12. Use a deep blue or royal blue pen. Don’t use a black or red pen. Underline with a pencil while revising.

13. Choose the right question where the option is given. Sometimes, students think if I answer the difficult question, I may get more marks. It is a wrong notion because marks are given on the basis of value points. The question which is difficult for you may be easy for someone else.

14. It has been observed that the first part of the question contains a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ type of question. Students sometimes don’t write yes or no and lose ½ marks, which they know.

15. Decoration of copy won't fetch marks.

16. Students should give proper space between two-part answers to a question. They should give at least a gap of two lines between two question numbers.

17. Students should leave some space on the right-hand side so that the examiner doesn’t have any problems giving part-making.

18. Give proper space between two words. If your handwriting is poor, also it helps the examiner.

19. It is always better to write the best answer first because it has a carryover effect on the examiner.
