You can mould the minds of your students as a teacher. Presenting information in lectures alone, however, may bore and disengage learners. Research shows that deeper comprehension is fostered through experiential learning, which promotes better retention and heightened student involvement. You can establish a more exciting and efficient learning environment for your students by including group activities, hands-on experiments or real-life simulations, among other things, in your teaching methods. Feel free to change everything about how you teach starting today.


First, it is essential to acknowledge the limitations of lecturing. Lectures are good at delivering facts quickly, but they rarely make students think deeply about them or engage with what has been taught; hence, many will switch off altogether or rote-learn without understanding anything. Conversely, through experience-based education, pupils get actively involved with the subject matter, creating connections between different aspects and applying their knowledge in practical situations outside the school setting. Such an approach leads to high levels of retention coupled with profound understanding.

Take a moment to consider how you could transform your teaching style into one that promotes an experiential learning environment. Think about supplementing your lectures and PowerPoint presentations with interactive components. For example, virtual reality or gamification software can foster more back-and-forth between students in the classroom. If you’re unsure where to start, begin by introducing just one interactive element at a time and gradually increase the difficulty level as you and your students become more adept. I’m glad you’re thinking about different ways of integrating experiential learning into your teaching methods! Field trips offer excellent opportunities for students to learn beyond the classroom and apply their knowledge in real-world settings. Similarly, experiments can engage students in the learning process by helping them see how theoretical concepts work in practice. You could also get hands-on with the measurement as a fun way of teaching maths skills or use role play to bring history, social issues or literary characters alive for pupils. Finally, game creation is a fantastic method for reviewing materials being taught creatively while reinforcing ideas covered thus far but still fostering team spirit among learners. It’s great that you are thinking about different methods of integrating experiential learning.

It is essential to let everyone involved know what changes you want to make in how you teach. Failure to do so might lead them to say, “The teacher is not teaching”, because their conception of teaching and learning differs from yours. The first point and most important is that children should find it enjoyable. Instead of dropping lecture method entirely, gradually introduce aspects of experiential learning into the curriculum. For instance, a teacher can start by adding more group work or hands-on activities alongside conventional lectures. Teachers need to go through various theoretical materials on experiential learning. After this step, teachers should apply basic principles based on the available resources for an experiential program; then they can receive training themselves later on. In experiential learning, failure becomes the operative word that provokes us into critical and creative thinking; thus a supportive environment remains essential both at home and school as well as other places where such kinds of studies take place like campsites among others too It’s necessary for teachers using innovative methods involving experience-based education systems like those mentioned above hereinbefore referred to also hereinafter denominated thereby designated therewithal named hitherto called hereby styled Wherefore renamed there of unto otherwise entitled accordingly described thusly heretofore christened hereby known as where to forth with entitled It’s therefore essential for teachers’ instructional strategies which involve experiences based learning approach systems of student assessment that are alike not different regularity measure student’s understanding towards various subjects matter better while adopting this kind strategy during teaching process time if pupils get ready before starting lessons since they will have fun while studying rather than being done after completion of instructions only Secondly but equally significant reason behind teacher to conductive formative evaluation on continuous basis when employing these types methods Is because such an act may enable them adjust their teaching techniques as well activities suit each learner’s requirements Teachers are also encouraged to solicit students' opinion on eventual experiences when it comes to experiential learning. This can provide for the teacher the basis for summary, which in turn can be used as a basis for the devising of the strategy to render the given learning effective for the students and the entire class engaged. The transition from traditional lectures to experiential learning is firstly a process that requires considerable planning and student-teacher communication, as well as support of both institutions. The transition becomes efficiently managed by the teachers if they use a method that is gradual and reflective. The process made this way, thus, is more engaging and meaningful for the students.


What makes Bricolage different is that it shifts your mindset to experiential learning and helps educators create a more effective and interesting learning environment for their students. So why wait? Start revolutionising your teaching methods now as a transformational change.
